Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment Survey

Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment Survey Website Homepage

The PNA gathers information from Wyoming young people about their substance use, mental health, and wellness to help schools, administrators, and policy makers better understand the young people in their communities.

Explore Data by Topic

About the Students

Self-reported characteristics of the survey participants, including gender, age, race/ethnicity, and language spoken at home.

Alcohol in the Community

Questions that address the exposure youth have to alcohol use in their communities. These questions measure attendance at gatherings where large amounts of alcohol are available along with community events where alcohol is being consumed and used.

Challenging Experiences

Questions that address the exposure youth have to specific stressful life experiences.

Healthy Lifestyle

Health and nutrition questions that include measures the consumption of fruits and vegetables, physical activity levels and seatbelt use.

Mental Health

Questions related to mental health concerns and suicide risk. This includes questions about suicide ideation and attempts.

Perceptions of Risk & Harm

Questions about how much risk students perceive are involved in using drugs or alcohol. Also, how much disapproval the students think they could experience from peers and parents if they used substances.

Safety & School Issues

Questions that ask about a variety of concerns that might arise at school, including failing classes, being bullied at school, and having an interest in school and learning.

Social Norms

Questions that measure how frequently students think most students in their schools use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. They represent a measure of how much the students think substance use is a normative or typical behavior by students in their schools.

Social Support

Questions that ask about whether survey respondents can talk to and receive help and support from the adults in their lives, including parents. It also measures whether the survey participants are talking to their parents about the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

Substance Use

This broad category includes questions addressing the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The questions ask about lifetime and current use of twelve different substances, including alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, heroin, and cocaine. This broad category also encompasses many other questions about the students’ experiences, their attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions that relate to their use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.


About the Wyoming PNA

Since the 2001-2002 school year, the Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment survey has tracked critical indicators of health and well-being of students in Wyoming. Conducted every other year in nearly all the middle and high schools in the state, the PNA gathers information about substance use and abuse, attitudes on risky behaviors, and other beliefs of Wyoming's young people.

The Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment is a project of the Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center and the Wyoming Department of Health.

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